SanSana - Inner Flower

Personal Sessions

Supports your unique inner journey

Personal Session

- at Location

These sessions are designed for physical meetings and allow  individual customise for your personal journey. This may include a variarity of supportive elements such as meditation, conversation, exercises, healing, breath work, drumming and other supportive elements to maximize your beneficial from your session.

These Personal Sessions are located at Uppsala (Sweden) with surroundings and may take place indoor as well as outdoor. Your requirement and the sessions customization determins the specific location.

 90 minutes - 1200 SEK

 60 minutes - 900 SEK     

Personal Session

- zoomed wherever you are

Safe and efficient beyond time and space. Choose a comfortable location when and where it suits you. Distance is irrelevant for healing, so you can easily choose a comfortable location when and where it suits you.

The Personal Session meet you where you choose to be and where you are in your personal journey. It may include conversation, excersices, healing, breath work and other supportive elements to maximize your beneficial from your session. The Personal Healing Session is exclusively a healing session.

 40 minutes - 800 SEK (Personal Healing Session in Zoom)

 60 minutes - 900 SEK (Personal Session in Zoom)

Purpose and Completeness

The flower knows its calling in the meadow and blooms to fulfill its purpose.

By understanding and embracing our roles, we can live more aligned with our high purpose, create our desired future and contribute to the greater good of all,

creating a harmonious and beautiful existence.

Just like a flower, we all have our unique timing for growth and blossoming.

Trust in your own journey and timing. Embrace your authenticity and the natural beauty

that comes from being true to yourself.

Healing and Quantum Physics

Harmony within the dance of life

By delving into the intricate dance between healing and quantum physics at a subatomic level, we can begin to appreciate the profound nature of our consciousness and the body’s remarkable ability to self-heal. Energy is the fundamental essence of everything, and by engaging with multidimensional intelligence, we can attain a deeper level of balance and harmony in our lives.

Energy and Matter

Everything around us, perceived as physical objects—tables, plants, bodies, stones, cars etc—is actually far more complex. Researchers at CERN have established that all matter is composed of 99.99% "spaciousness" or "emptiness," which is, in reality, filled with information. Only 0.01% is solid matter. This means that everything our senses may or may not perceive is essentially energy, vibrating at different frequencies. Science such as quantum physics and epigenetic are today melting together with the unlimited existence of collective consciousness.

A Deeper Insight into Healing

Healing transcends the physical realm and ventures into the quantum world, where everything we experience as solid matter is actually energy fields. For instance, when we get a cut on our finger and apply a bandage, it is not the bandage that heals the wound. Instead, it is our own energy that initiates and sustains the healing process. Similarly, other energies can support our healing. The frequencies in a drum meditation create flow and energy that promote grounding and dynamic movement in the energy field. This helps release stagnation and opens up a deeper connection with our life energy.

Beyond Time and Space

In our four-dimensional reality, time and distance are essential for our linear perception of the world. However, in a universe with at least ten dimensions, as scientific findings suggest, time and distance do not exist in the way we are conditioned to preceive. In these multidimensional realms, all time exists simultaneously. We are liberating us from the constraints of time and distance when interacting with multidimensional intelligence. Therefore healing is just as effective at a distance as it is in physical meetings.

The High Intelligence

The existence of higher intelligence is responsible for sharing healing frequencies and determining what needs to be healed and balanced in each individual for their highest good at that moment.

This higher intelligence operates on a level of awareness that surpasses our own. Therefore, you may not always receive healing in the way you envisioned, as the higher intelligence knows what is best for you. Healing always targets where it is needed most, which means it can work on subtle levels and affect your well-being in ways that are not always immediately apparent.


Personal sessions should not be considered a substitute for medical care. Never stop prescribed medication without first consulting your healthcare provider. The practitioner neither diagnoses nor claims to cure or treat specific diseases or conditions. The session is also not to be considered as counseling or psychotherapy.

You are, of course, warmly welcome to book a Personal Session even if you have been diagnosed with a disease by a doctor, but please maintain your medical contact.

If you have an illness or injury and need urgent help and care, please contact the Emergency Center where you are (Sweden, call 112) or see a doctor immediately.

Embrace your inner journey.

You can also contact SanSana in WhatsApp