SanSana - Inner Flower

Open your heart to blossom


Lördag 16/11 2024 

Kl 10.00-12.00

Vatten flödar friktionsfritt och hittar sin väg fram, det symboliserar flexibilitet och transformation..

Vatten är fundamentalt är på vår jord och finns i allt levande, det ger kraft och liv. Lär av dess bottenlösa visdom och skapa ett fritt flöde av energi i din kropp och ditt sinne.. Cecilia och Anna guidar dig genom en workshop som flödar fritt..

Workshopen hålls på svenska. Inga förkunskaper krävs.

500 SEK

Staffansgården (Staffansvägen 20, 741 42 Knivsta)

I samarbete med HelBefinnandeHälsa.


Create koherence 


Connect with nature


Your Inner Flower

Personal Sessions

Allow your inner seed grow into the beautiful flower you are.

You are worthy to reconnect with your heart and true nature. Deep roots creates balance and resilience and will keep you safe throughout storms. Expand your consiousness, uncover your self empowerment, peace and self love. Greatness dwells within.

SanSana offers holistic healing on your inner journey. 

Event & Workshop

We grow together. It's the totality of flowers that creates the meadow. Enjoy the feeling of growth within the safe space of togetherness and friendship. Evolve through experience and become alert and attentive to the present moment in your life. When flowers are together they create the most beautiful and perfect meadow.

SanSana offers workshops and retreats throughout the year.

Your path

Where ever you are, you are always in the right place. But where are you going? What is your passion? Who would you be without fears? Increase your awareness and create your future present to be the one your heart desire and choose. Transformational journey to love, peace and joy. 

SanSana offers support program on your journey, where ever you are.



Teachings of Flowers

Flower blooms without hesitation, regardless of others already in bloom. They does neither compare with, nor judges the other flowers. A flower understands that every single flower is a part of the meadow, contributing to its existence, completion, purpose and enchanting beauty. 

A flower blooms when it is ready to, at the precise moment, and just as perfectly as it is created. It allows itself to blossom in its own authenticity, embracing simplicity and beauty.

Just like the flowers, each of us has a unique path and purpose. Flowers show us that unity does not require uniformity. Each flower, with its unique color, shape, and size, enhances the meadow's diversity and beauty. Similarly, our differences enrich our collective human experience.

Embracing this individuality without comparison allows us to fully bloom and contribute to the beauty and completeness of the world.

Your seed is planted within your heart and soul. Cherish this seed, and allow your Inner Flower to bloom.

   SanSana Inner Flower - FREE MEDITATION

   Beauty dwells in the heart of the beholder

Client testimonials


A profound project where you will be guided into your own blockages and their origin. Something happened already the same day as we had the Personal session, and it felt deep within. Received powerful images the same night wich confirmed that a positiv transformation had occured. A highly interesting experience.”

Anita Karlsson

- Private Session-


"Inspiring and useful

in my daily life."




"Genuine wisdom.

Beneficial for both body and soul."

Thomas L.



"Anna guided me into a new world. I began to see myself as a part of something greater and received the opportunity to reflect over myself in a safe and harmonious environment.

Anna supported me to accept and let go of hinders. After the retreat I felt inspired and very prepared to continue my spiritual journey." 




An interesting meeting, with new content but yet meaningful in my life. I received explanations to my previous life experiences, things that I personally deal with right now or need to attend to in the future. A deep dive into an area that is new to me but at the same time important for my evolvement!

E. Pettersson

- Private Session -


"Very engaging, inspiring and knowledgeable leaders. My warm recommendations."

Thomas L.



"The workshop in breath work, meditation and the subconscious was an amazing experience that opened up new doors for me. Through guided breathing and meditation I gained a deeper understanding for my subconscious and how it effect my well being. Our guides were knowledgeable and engaged and I felt safe and inspired throughout the workshop. Highly recommened this experience for everyone who seek inner growth

and peace!"

Tobias I.


   Be your inner beauty, open your Inner Flower.

Contact SanSana

    when you choose to cherise your Inner Flower.

  Anna Hagdahl 

You can also contact SanSana in : WhatsApp

             Adress for Personal Session in Uppsala:

          Österängsgatan 12 A

          753 28 Uppsala


          Approval for F-tax / Godkänd för F-skatt


When you choose to cherish your Inner Flower.